The concept

The concept     The 2008 Event     The 2009 Event     Contacts    

On the 29th January 2008, the very first NetworkAndRoll event was ‘unrolled’ in the ‘Laboratoires de la Condition Publique’, in Roubaix, just outside Lille.

More than 150 guests were there on the evening for an eclectic programme of events; juggling networking, live painting, a rock concert, buffet and drinks reception. A piece of artwork was created live by the painter Mathias Duhamel. In only fifteen minutes, he created a canvas on a UK-France theme, accompanied by Manu Berdin’s experimental musical performance.

The feedback from the companies attending was very favourable, and a good many useful contacts were made during the evening. For the 2009 event, feedback will be formalised to measure the impact of the event, in terms of business carried out and projects launched.


Logo Claramedia     Logo Ganesha Events     Logo Audibilis     Logo Hors-Format


Logo Condition Publique     Logo Heinneken     Logo Coca-Cola     Logo Transmanche-Technology    

Logo Visu-ad     Logo Defim immobilier     Logo Light-up    

And Berland Traiteur, La Pirogue, L’Autrement Dit, (R)art

The Artists

Mathias Duhamel: while he was working on communication ideas in his own agency (specialising in company image repositioning) Mathias Duhamel suddenly realised that a painting could reflect the personality of a company more credibly than a poster or a TV ad, and that trying to reveal its soul via a work of art would be more effective than via traditional media.

Manu Berdin: He was born in Lille in Northern France in 1967. He has played the bass since 1983. Initially self-taught, he obtained his CMA music diploma in 1991 from Valenciennes, where he studied with Eric Plantain. Since then he has broadened his experience using many different musical styles.


Special thanks

Thanks to the artists, our partners, and all those who made the first NetworkAndRoll possible.

Special thanks to:

Fabienne Bachimont (DigiPort), Garry Britton (Linguasaurus), Odile Coutant (Lille Events), Philippe Dantoing (Ecole Centrale de Lille), Antonéta David (Claramedia), Samuel Demoor (Audibilis), Estelle Leclercq (WTC Lille), Lisette Lopes (Claramedia), Paul-Benoît Perche (Atos Worldline), Stéphane Roy (BD Fugue Café), Joël Salaün (CCI International), Estelle Timothy (Channel Chamber), Maxime Tissot (Ganesha Events), Marc-Antoine Redien (Wip:on), GuYom (Scènes du Nord).